[IronPython] Iron Python and Silverlight Visual Designer/Editor

Andrew Evans andrew.canit at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 23:45:48 CET 2010

that Xaml Playground looks like a good start

I am prepared to commit my efforts to it :D I have nothing but time so, will
give it my best

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Jimmy Schementi <
Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com> wrote:

> Michael Foord wrote:
> > It sounds like a big task - but I would *definitely* be interested in
> using it. :-)
> >
> > Michael
> True, but the big task isn't the Python part; it's the designer. If you
> were ok starting from that xaml-playground, then it would be pretty easy to
> add python support. However, getting the designer to not suck, like snapping
> to edges and whatnot, would be a larger commitment.
> ~Jimmy
> > Jimmy Schementi wrote:
> >> I would start from this:
> >> http://visitmix.com/labs/gestalt/downloads/xaml.playground.html
> >>
> >> It's a designer surface in the browse, feels a little like Blend, but
> still needs a
> >> bit of work. It would be pretty easy to allow Python code to be part of
> this UI as well;
> >> like double clicking on the UI elements you drop on the canvas and
> defining callbacks
> >> and whatnot.
> >>
> >> Plus, you could probably write it all in Python =)
> >>
> >> ~Jimmy
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