[IronPython] Integration

Iivari Mokelainen iivari at mokelainen.com
Thu Sep 2 18:28:53 CEST 2010

  Salut, fellow coders!

I have an application where i need some live coding to debug and use it. 
I've been coding in C# for ages now.

I looked into different languages, and found python. And obviously fell 
in love.
Now i have a home-made interactive python console with my application. I 
implemented suggestions with dir() and so on.

The problem im facing is that I need to integrate whole application with 
the console now. I know I can expose types and variables thru 
scope.SetVariable but what I need is to expose a whole /namespace/ to 
the scope.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. How fast is interop between python and C#? Would it be ok to have a 
python function as dynamic in C# and calling it about 250 times a second?

     Iivari Mokelainen
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