[IronPython] Issue Triage

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 17:15:58 CET 2011

Excellent - 10 more down, only ~1000 to go :)

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 6:38 AM, Richard Nienaber <rjnienaber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Issues that reference 'SNAP' and 'merlin-*' e.g.
> SNAP: test_memory.py has begun failing
> IronPython: test_weakref.py fails on merlin-18
> If the test passes, is it okay to close issues like this? I know SNAP was a
> Microsoft specific test running framework but I'm not sure about merlin-*.

I think merlin was the code name for the DLR. If those tests are now
passing, feel free to close them.

- Jeff

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