[Mailman-developers] Found it! (I have a divergent version of MailMan)

Ken Manheimer klm@python.org
Sat, 2 May 1998 16:20:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 1 May 1998, John Viega wrote:
> > As barry also mentioned, this is one of the things up there on my
> > "desired" list - but it never was high enough urgency to percolate to
> > the top.  (John actually sent me an smtplib.py that he was playing with,
> > but i never took the step of hooking it up.)  I'm glad you've done this,
> > and that it uses something you've gotten into the distribution!
> Ah, I would have sworn you already did this one, Ken :)

I did add your smtplib.py to the distribution.  I bet my checkin
message was not clear about the fact that i hadn't actually hooked it 
up yet.  (I think my notes mention hooking it up as a todo, though.)

BTW, i see a note in the dragon's 1.5.1-included smtplib.py which says
it "doesn't do esmtp (yet)".  I remembered seeing a pipelining esmtp
module going by the newsgroup, and sure enough a deja news search shows
"FREE: Python ESMTP Module by me!" from daniel robbins.  Maybe this code
would provide a leg up, at least as an example, on incorporating the
command pipelining extension to smtplib.py? 

ken manheimer