[Mailman-Developers] Face lift for User Interface
Dan Delaney
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:18:57 -0400
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barry A. Warsaw
> >>>>> "CP" == Christopher Petrilli <petrilli@amber.org> writes:
> CP> I would make only one major recommendations... drop all the
> CP> style information out of the tags, and put it in a style
> CP> sheet. Most of the stuff you're doing, especially colors
> CP> would be better that way. Then you could actually ship 3-4
> CP> style sheets with different colors on them to people :-) Also,
> CP> it reduces the amount of code in the page A LOT.
> Don't forget though, that we have to support older browsers. I think
> there are list admins with users still using e.g. NS 3. This stuff
> must work for them too.
That's correct. And even though (as someone else said) the pages would still
work on older browsers if the style sheets are done correctly, there is
still one major stumbling block to style sheets: the fact that they are not
implimented completely correctly in ANY browser. I've found several problems
with the way IE5 implements style sheets, and Netscrape's style sheet
support is worthless. Nonetheless, I'll set up a second mockup using style
sheets and see how it works out. I'll let you all know when it's ready.
As far as making it so that it is easy to change the colors to match your
site, there are two options. Style sheets is certainly a good way to do
that. But the other option is to have option variables set for the colors
and have the "COLOR=" parts of the HTMl file generated by the Python code
which can insert the contents of the color preferences variables.
Dionysos@Dionysia.org Daniel G. Delaney
PGP Public Key: /~dionysos/pgp.html