[Mailman-Developers] bounce processing question and idea for future enhancements...
Christopher G. Petrilli
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 14:16:15 -0500
On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 07:55:23PM +0100, Harald Meland wrote:
> > This is the big one. Does anyone besides me have a desire to see Mailman
> > support Listserv style "topics"? Where topics are extracted from the
> > message subject and list messages are sent to a subset of the list that
> > "subscribes" to that particular topic?
> I don't know ListServ -- what is the motivation for implementing
> something like this? Wouldn't a separate mailing list for each
> "topic" and appropriate crossposting do the same? Should there be
> topic-specific archives, or should the archive be topic-insensitive?
Well, I've run a few dozen LISTSERV installations, and I've never found
a use for it, honestly. :-) NOW, it was amazingly valuable back in the
days of BITNET (where LISTSERV originated), and the only use I can see
for it today is basically this:
A company has an "announcement" list, this list is subscribed to by
everyone interested, but there might be a couple of "topics":
* Stuff of interest to everyone
* New doodad announcements
* New widget announcements
* Celebrations of people being fired who deserved it :-)
One might argue that it's cleaner to have a single "announcement" list
and multiple "topics," but I'm not sure I've seen this being used
anywhere of late.
| Christopher Petrilli ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli@amber.org the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright