[Mailman-Developers] Setup prob: abs/rel CGI url

Christian Tismer tismer@appliedbiometrics.com
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 15:05:12 +0100

Hi Mailman developers,

I've set up Mailman 1.0b9 for starship.skyport.net exactly
as the INSTALL file said. It is working so far, with one exception:

When I try to use the admin page for my test list, I first get
the password dialog, as usual.
After entering the password, Mailman complains that the list 
"mailman" is nonexistent.
The CGI of the password dialog contains a relative CGI URL:

<html> <head>
  <title>test Administrative Authentication</title>
</head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <FORM METHOD=POST

which causes the URL to pile up to 

and leads to the message that a list "mailman" indeed
does not exist. :-)

I think I have checked everything against the 1.0b7 installation
on python.net and couldnot find any difference whcih mght cause
The only real difference is that skyport.net still runs an early
Python 1.5 version.

Please help, I cannot find the bug. Can it be due to Python 1.5 ?

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@appliedbiometrics.com>
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