[Mailman-Developers] security szenario possible?

Harald Meland Harald.Meland@usit.uio.no
09 Apr 2000 21:55:36 +0200

[Adrian Letzner - Sun Germany Berlin SE]

> i would like to know, if mailman can handle the following szenario:
> 1. automatic subscribing to a fixed list (eg. via cgi script). that
> means:
> a program (eg. cgi-script) should handle the subscribing/unsubscribing
> mechanism by sending a static mail to the *-request address WITHOUT (!!)
> using the password mechanism (new privacy option: *not confirming).

In fact, that does not constitute a new privacy option -- if you put


in your ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py, a fourth option "none" should
magically appear for "What steps are required for subscription?" on
all your lists Privacy Options pages.

Note that this allows _any_ of the lists in your Mailman installation
to use the open subscribes option, and that is not necessarily a good
thing (in that it allows anyone to subscribe unsuspecting others to
your lists against their will).

> 2. deleting the mail-header to anonymisize the mails which will be
> posted.

Doesn't the

  Hide the sender of a message, replacing it with the list address
  (Removes From, Sender and Reply-To fields)

option on the bottom of the Privacy Options page do this?