[Mailman-Developers] A few mailman issues
Dan Ohnesorg
Wed, 26 Apr 2000 09:39:38 +0200 (CEST)
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Thomas Wouters wrote:
> Actually, I'm more or less doing that. I'm currently grokking
> pipermail/HyperArch, and will probably rewrite HyperArch in pipermails'
> image, but without subclassing it (because HyperArch ends up masking most
> pipermail things, and I dont want to rewrite them *both*) unless pipermail
> is being actively maintained/developped outside of Mailman, or someone else
> knows a better python-based archiver/thingy ?
I think, the pipermail should be definietly removed from mailman. It is
mutch better to use some external archiver. You will have match more
stable mailman without pipermail.
When someone will corect my poor english, I can write mailman-archiving
howto for mailman-MHonArc cooperation.
DD DD Dan Ohnesorg, supervisor on POWER
DD OOOO Dan@feld.cvut.cz
DD OODDOO Dep. of Power Engineering
DDDDDD OO CTU FEL Prague, Bohemia
OO OO work: +420 2 24352785;+420 2 24972109
OOOO home: +420 311 679679;+420 311 679311
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