[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with
qrunner and too much incoming mail
Nigel Metheringham
Mon, 06 Nov 2000 16:21:45 +0000
[Please can we try and kill these postings that are sent to both
mailman-users & mailman-developers]
Having been watching the floods at home in York for the last few days
I'll just come in at this point
chuqui@plaidworks.com said:
> Nope. This is a job for -- ta da -- an API with a plug in
> architecture. Don't try to solve the huge list probelm, but solve the
> 90% problem (what works for the first 90% of the sites out there),
> and make it easy to plug in a different delivery beast so that other
> 10% can simply write a new module and swap it in (and hopefully send
> it back to the mailman project...)
[Loud applause]
Mailman is a MLM, its not an MTA. Don't think about making it an MTA.
Just leave enough hooks for people to trash their systems effectively.
For the original specifics, I'll talk with the sourceforge people about
an appropriate exim config for their problem.
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[ Nigel Metheringham Nigel.Metheringham@VData.co.uk ]
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