[Mailman-Developers] rc1 Possible confusion in Defaults.py comments
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 20:59:27 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> "jam" == John A Martin <jam@jamux.com> writes:
jam> Using Mailman version 2.0rc1, in Defaults.py, under Bounce
jam> processing defaults, one sees:
| # 0 means do nothing
| # 1 means disable and send admin a report,
| # 2 means nuke'em (remove) and send admin a report,
| # 3 means nuke 'em and don't report (whee:)
jam> and on the Bounce Options web page:
jam> (Ie. from left to right, (0) do nothing, (1) disable and
jam> notify, (2) disable and DON'T notify, and (3) Remove and
jam> notify.
Here's what the actual code does (see HandleBouncingAddress() in
0 = do nothing
1 = disable and notify
2 = disable and don't notify
3 = remove and notify
So it looks like the web page is right but the comment in
Defaults.py.in are wrong. I'll fix those.