[Mailman-Developers] mod_layout?
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:30:45 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "CS" == Christian Scholz <cs@comlounge.net> writes:
CS> I actually would prefer some mailman solution. I once looked
CS> at it and wondered if I could add it by using my htmlPARSER
CS> stuff (http://heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/). I just did not
CS> find the time to do it.. (Once I also thought about some Zope
CS> interface but the same happened..) Though it's still on the
CS> list of thing I want to do sometime ;-)
There's also Quixote:
Written by friends of mine (and dang good Python hackers), and all in
Python. Think Zope-lite.
Haven't had time to play with it much though.