[Mailman-Developers] Fresh install of i18n Mailman
Ron Jarrell
Fri, 02 Mar 2001 11:46:40 -0500
At 09:37 AM 3/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
> I had a similar problem a few days ago when I first started installing
>the new Mailman code from CVS. It eventually went away and i don't
>remember how or what I did to get everything correct. The solution I
>used the first time was to create a soft link called mimelib in
>~mailman/Mailman pointing to
>/usr/local/lib/python2.0/site-packages/mimelib. Your paths may be a
>little different but it is worth a try as it worked for me.
You don't need the link; your problem is you were running files
that didn't have the patch in them yet I realized we needed, which
moves the import of mimelib to *after* the import of defaults.