[Mailman-Developers] mangling of subject header by outlook or mailman
Tue, 06 Nov 2001 20:03:40 -0500
I have hit a strange problem with subject headers on a fairly recent
(cvs) mailman system. The problem is that when people using outlook
respond on the list to a message containing 8-bit characters, the
message mailman sends out is unpleasantly mangled. I do not have
access to a windows system with the same outlookk version that causes
the problem installed, so I could not track the problem down to see if
it is generated by outlook or mailman. Maybe anybody has seen the same
problem. here are the exact syptoms.
When I have a thread starting with a header (in raw form)
Subject: [Cmo-discussion] =?iso-8859-1?Q?N=E9tiquette?=
the answer written by outlook gets the following two header lines after
being distributed by mailman:
Subject: [Cmo-discussion] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re:_=5BCmo-discussion=5D_N=E9tiquette?=;
Subject: [Cmo-discussion] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re:_=5BCmo-discussion=5D_N=E9tiquette?=
and the problem gets worse and worse with any subseqent reply in the
can anyone tell me how to find the offending part in this, and if
there is a remedy in mailman.