[Mailman-Developers] Importing email 0.96 problem
Jason R. Mastaler
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 23:09:56 -0700
barry@zope.com (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:
> Also, you may want to try upgrading to Python 2.1.2 to see if that
> fixes the problem.
Why not upgrade to Python 2.2 instead? Since 2.2 comes with the email
module, he won't have to worry about installing it separately which
seems to be the crux of his problem.
> to decrease startup costs, all Mailman cgi and mail filter programs
> effectively run with the -S option, which inhibits importing
> site.py, and thus does not add any of the site-packages folders to
> sys.path.
I'm just curious, how much startup cost does this save? I hadn't
thought of doing this before.
(TMDA (http://tmda.sourceforge.net/)
(UCE intrusion prevention in Python)