[Mailman-Developers] forwarded message from Lisa M. Opus Goldstein

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 18:14:02 -0500

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Here's a great way to help with Mailman even if you don't fancy
yourself a hacker.  Documentation, as always, lags far behind.  I'd be
happy to work with someone (or perhaps a group of someones), on the
technical side, but a good technical writer I'm not.


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From: "Lisa M. Opus Goldstein" <opus@gnu.org>
Sender: gnu-prog-admin@gnu.org
To: gnu-prog@gnu.org
Subject: Publishing GNU Documentation
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 17:29:50 -0500
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X-Followup-Discussion-To: gnu-prog-discuss@gnu.org

Dear Maintainers,

I am looking for maintainers to work with me to develop their
program's documentation for publication by the Free Software
Foundation's publishing department, the GNU Press.

As most of you probably know, the Free Software Foundation publishes
physical documentation for a few major programs; we have been doing
this since we were founded in 1985. Sales of these books are an
important source of income for the FSF. It helps pay for our machines,
our staff, and by extension helps keep the entire GNU Project going.

Accordingly, I was hired to increase the number of titles that the FSF
prints and to increase their distribution range.  I have created the
publishing name "GNU Press", a logo, and redesigned the general
appearance of the manual covers. Newer versions of Texinfo now allow
inclusion of images, charts, and pictures, so I am hoping to beef up
future documentation with such visuals.

I am now looking for documentation to publish, and am very interested
in actively working with maintainers to develop their documentation
for publication by us.  Smaller programs' documentation can be bundled
with related programs into one book;  I would also be very interested
in working with some maintainers to help me develop these collections.

Additionally, I would like to increase the percentage of documentation
that are tutorials rather than simply reference manuals. I believe
that teaching people how to use free software is very important, and
want to emphasize this through which books I select for publication.

If you are interested in participating in any of these projects, or if
you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact me.  I look forward
to hearing from people.

Best Regards,

Lisa M. Goldstein           opus@gnu.org
Business Manager            Tel 617-542-5942 Ext. 15
Free Software Foundation    Fax 617-542-2652


GNU Maintainers Announcement List gnu-prog@gnu.org
