[Mailman-Developers] Attachments

Rodolfo Pilas rodolfo@pilas.net
07 Mar 2002 18:16:31 -0300

I had MM 2.1a4+ from CVS downloaded February 07,2002.

Today I upload to the latest version of CVS and I have just seen the
following problems:

Subject line that said [Test] label now say =A1Test=BF=20
(I used MM with Spanish language)

I do not receive attachments, MM brokes attachment:

This is a source of last part of the header an complete message (without
text, only with attachment) that I receive:

  MIME-Version: 1.0
  Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=3D"=3D-VDRv7n6c29BFJBk4/S1O";
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  X-Evolution-Source: imap://rodolfo.pilas@mydomain.com/


That's all!

As soon as I re-install the CVS version of Feb.07 all return to the
normal way.


 Rodolfo Pilas               Quien los puso a estos tipos donde estan,
 rodolfo@pilas.net           Quien los deja seguir en su lugar,
 http://rodolfo.pilas.net    Quien los baja ahora de su altar,
 ICQ #17461636               Quien les paga para que hagan lo que haran
 http://xtralinux.org         -=3D# Apocalipsis Now % Cuarteto de Nos #=3D-

  Public GnuPG key: http://www.keyserver.net 1024D/57153363 2001-06-02
  key fingerprint =3D DAAE 3246 3F7D A420 B7A0  48A5 D120 C773 5715 3363