[Mailman-Developers] migration from Majordomo to Mailman

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:55:52 -0500

>>>>> "HR" == Heiko Rommel <rommel@suse.de> writes:

    HR> just in case somebody finds it usefull I'm including a perl
    HR> script that will largely easy the migration from Majordomo to
    HR> Mailman 2.0 - especially if you have more than a few lists.

Cool.  Have you tried it with MM2.1?

    HR> The process of migration is only half-automatic since there
    HR> are a bunch of params in Majordomo which have no exact
    HR> counterpart in Mailman.  On the other hand, there are some new
    HR> params in Mailman which had to be set to a default value.

    HR> The script is far from being perfect - but it worked from me
    HR> and the 208 lists I had to migrate ;-)

It's written in that /other/ P-language, but I guess since you're
migrating we can forgive you :).

May I add this to the contrib subdirectory?  Would you mind
re-releasing it with a GPL license?
