[Mailman-Developers] Stripping HTML

Fil fil@rezo.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:37:22 +0100

> Mikhail Zabaluev wrote:
> > Sorry to ruin your PhD, but will the
> > "lynx -dump -assume-charset='$charset_from_header'" command serve fine?
> > I happily use it to display HTML in the Mutt pager pane.

Did you manage to use it as a mail filter (ie without opening mutt in a
console?) I've never been able to have something like

listname:  "|superfilter |/path/to/ml/manager"

Where superfilter would demime as intelligently as possible, ie, use
/etc/mailcap for all *2text programs it knows of. Inside mutt almost
everything (richtext, html, images, PDFs, MSWord documents, etc.) is
transformed into text.

I would love to have that as a filter for some lists...

-- Fil