[Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Mon Oct 21 20:14:15 2002
> fil> /usr/local/mailman/pythonlib/korean/python/hangul.py:271:
> fil> SyntaxWarning: local name 'kwargs' in 'format' shadows use of
> fil> 'kwargs' as global in nested scope 'lambda' def
> fil> format(fmtstr, *args, **kwargs):
> That looks like a (minor) incompatibility with the Korean codecs
> package and the version of Python you're using. It's not a horrible
> problem (since it's just a warning). Would you mind contacting the
> Korean codec development team about this?
This disappeared after I re-ran 'configure'; I don't think I have more to
say than this traceback (which can be forwarded to the Korean codec
development team... except that I don't know who/where to send it to).
-- Fil