October 2002 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Oct 1 23:41:21 2002
Ending: Thu Oct 31 21:46:19 2002
Messages: 374
- [Mailman-Developers] Weirdness with Mailman and Apache 2.0.42?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Weirdness with Mailman and Apache 2.0.42?
Barry A. Warsaw
- FW: [Mailman-Developers] Weirdness with Mailman and Apache
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers]
RE: [Mailman-Users] Re: Re: One Button Direct Subscription
Pankaj K Garg
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-617930 ] MIME handling very dumb, breaks messages
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-617930 ] MIME handling very dumb, breaks messages
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3+ -- moderation checks out of order.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Edit a message then approve it
Kory Wheatley
- [Mailman-Developers] Disallowed characters in email address?
Dale Newfield
- [Mailman-Developers] help!
Bill Bradford
- [Mailman-Developers] help!
Bill Bradford
- [Mailman-Developers] help!
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3+
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444884 ] Integration of Mailman & htdig for archi
- [Mailman-Developers] Disallowed characters in email address?
Darrell Fuhriman
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3+
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] information regarding request.db
Asher Yanich
- [Mailman-Developers] information regarding request.db
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] message url in footer
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] large attachments replaced by links
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-620032 ] cmd_confirm: no lstrip
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620208 ] authinfo before mode reader needed
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Patches-594771 ] i18n support for
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Patches-594771 ] i18n support for
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Patches-594771 ] i18n support for
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620208 ] authinfo before mode reader needed
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620208 ] authinfo before mode reader needed
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620406 ] sync_members typo (patch included)
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620208 ] authinfo before mode reader needed
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620406 ] sync_members typo (patch included)
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/bin arch,2.6,2.7
Mikhail Sobolev
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/bin
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 gate_news problem Sparc/Linux 6.2
Colin Neeson
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-621257 ] MTA_ALIASES_STYLE = 'qmail-virtual'
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621597 ] list creation ignores DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/ru
archidxentry.html,NONE,2.0 archidxfoot.html,NONE,2.0
archidxhead.html,NONE,2.0 archlistend.html,NONE,2.0
archliststart.html,NONE,2.0 archtocentry.html,NONE,2.0
Mikhail Sobolev
- [Mailman-Developers] Cron error messages
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621689 ] Subscribe requests dropped from admin db
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621689 ] Subscribe requests dropped from admin db
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/ru
archidxentry.html,NONE,2.0 archidxfoot.html,NONE,2.0 archidxhead.html,NONE,2.0
archlistend.html,NONE,2.0 archliststart.html,NONE,2.0
archtocentry.html,NONE,2.0 archtoc.html,NONE,2.0
Simone Piunno
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with list member's vacation script
- [Mailman-Developers] displaying number of users on a website
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Exim] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444884 ] Integration of Mailman & htdig for archi
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Exim] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] HTML and text digests...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/ru
archidxentry.html,NONE,2.0 archidxfoot.html,NONE,2.0
archidxhead.html,NONE,2.0 archlistend.html,NONE,2.0
archliststart.html,NONE,2.0 archtocentry.html,NONE,2.0
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Exim] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
- [Mailman-Developers] MimeDel i18n message undelivered
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/ru
archidxentry.html,NONE,2.0 archidxfoot.html,NONE,2.0 archidxhead.html,NONE,2.0
archlistend.html,NONE,2.0 archliststart.html,NONE,2.0
archtocentry.html,NONE,2.0 archtoc.html,NONE,2.0
Mikhail Sobolev
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444884 ] Integration of Mailman & htdig for archi
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/ru
archidxentry.html,NONE,2.0 archidxfoot.html,NONE,2.0
archlistend.html,NONE,2.0 archliststart.html,NONE,2.0
archtocentry.html,NONE,2.0 archtoc.html,NONE,2.0
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] MimeDel i18n message undelivered
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] HTML and text digests...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
- [Mailman-Developers] problem with list member's vacation script
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] HTML and text digests...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] HTML and text digests...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS, and stuff broke....
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] woo hoo!
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] hmm. One correction.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Even more on that log weirdie...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Even more on that log weirdie...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Even more on that log weirdie...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers really
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
John W Baxter
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
J C Lawrence
- [Exim] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman'
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Mailman editing messages
Kory Wheatley
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Mailman editing messages
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] more 2.1b3++ MIME funnies.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] attachments to links :-)
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] here we go again... (are these headers
really right?)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] attachments to links :-)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers] attachments to links :-)
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers] Cron error messages
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 gate_news problem Sparc/Linux 6.2
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Exim] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-623783 ] Option to discard non-member postings
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Exim] Overhauled 'Exim and Mailman' doc
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Cron error messages
- [Mailman-Developers] Cron error messages
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] oops. One more buglet.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] oops. One more buglet.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-609692 ] Non-member hold reason is wrong
- [Mailman-Developers] attachments to links :-)
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] Latest tweaks to README.EXIM
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Patches-624112 ] mail password
reminder bug
- [Mailman-Developers] Bounce with verp on not recognized
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP'd reply-to not being used by bounce
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Ben Gertzfield
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] MHonArc integration with Mailman
David A Gilbert
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Ben Gertzfield
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] qrunner
Phil Barnett
- [Mailman-Developers] MHonArc integration with Mailman
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: Latest tweaks to README.EXIM
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Is anyone gatewaying to a moderated newsgroup?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] my encoding problem: fixed!
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] my encoding problem: fixed!
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] my encoding problem: fixed!
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] my encoding problem: fixed!
Michael Meltzer
- [Mailman-Developers] Rebuilding archives in 2.1b+
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] (forw) Re: [Mailman-Users] bounce detection
Skye Poier
- [Mailman-Developers] (forw) Re: [Mailman-Users] bounce detection
Skye Poier
- [Mailman-Developers] New TMDA-style service: spamarrest.com
Bob Puff@NLE
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Edmund Lau
- [Mailman-Developers] CF Scripts for Custom User Interface
Andre Shank
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Colin Palmer
- [Mailman-Developers] New TMDA-style service: spamarrest.com
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] strange... digest volumes.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers]
output/input charset (was Re: encoding the subject line..)
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Edmund Lau
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] strange... digest volumes.
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] configure fails on OS X
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: output/input charset (was Re: encoding the subject line..)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] make install creates empty bin/qrunner
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] strange... digest volumes.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] qrunner
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] make install creates empty bin/qrunner
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] ArchRunner is segfaulting
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] ArchRunner is segfaulting
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] make install creates empty bin/qrunner
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] make install creates empty bin/qrunner
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Edmund Lau
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers] Doc patch: upgrading individual lists
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] ArchRunner is segfaulting
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Bounce with verp on not recognized
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP'd reply-to not being used by bounce
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Doc patch: upgrading individual lists
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Edmund Lau
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Patches-625482 ] i18n List-Id
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP'd reply-to not being used by bounce
Stonewall Ballard
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-625516 ] Archiver ends in NotLockedError
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP code
Peter C. Norton
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-401270 ] Moderated newsgroup support
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-625516 ] Archiver ends in NotLockedError
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621689 ] Subscribe requests dropped from admin db
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621689 ] Subscribe requests dropped from admin db
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
- [Mailman-Developers] mime filtering
- [Mailman-Developers] A quick patch and a .po entry question
Daniel Buchmann
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-626125 ] listinfo page doesn't show newsgrp name
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
John W Baxter
- [Mailman-Developers] A quick patch and a .po entry question
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] A quick patch and a .po entry question
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
- [Mailman-Developers] another traceback
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] mime filtering
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Jon Parise
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Jon Parise
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Donn Cave
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
David Champion
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-626550 ] Add "Date" field to admindb summary
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Bob Puff@NLE
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Jon Parise
- [Mailman-Developers] Rebuilding archives in 2.1b+
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] SpamAssassin handler for Mailman 2.1
Jon Parise
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-214156 ] MIME quoted printable subject lines (PR#190)
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 passing most(?) posts to the request
Jost Krieger
- [Mailman-Developers] (forw) Re: [Mailman-Users] bounce detection
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] (forw) Re: [Mailman-Users] bounce detection
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 passing most(?) posts to the request
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: 2.1b3 passing most(?) posts to the request address
Harald Koch
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-214156 ] MIME quoted printable subject lines (PR#190)
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: 2.1b3 passing most(?) posts to the request address
Harald Koch
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-621689 ] Subscribe requests dropped from admin db
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-609692 ] Non-member hold reason is wrong
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-620033 ] gate_news should catch lost connection
- [Mailman-Developers] usage() going to stderr
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] Password security vulnerability
Dirk De Coninck
- [Mailman-Developers] Password security vulnerability
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman TODO,2.11,2.12
Mikhail Sobolev
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] wrong log
- [Mailman-Developers] listname not defined
- [Mailman-Developers] wouldnitbenice to have URLs in admin mails?
- [Mailman-Developers] The Life Cycle of Mailing Lists.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] The Life Cycle of Mailing Lists.
Gary Frederick
- [Mailman-Developers] some mime filter notes...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] amazingly slow ArchRunner performance
Andrew D. Clark
- [Mailman-Developers] checkdbs
- [Mailman-Developers] checkdbs
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] some mime filter notes...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: [Mailman-Users] speeding up archiver in mailman 2.1b3?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: [Mailman-Users] speeding up archiver in mailman 2.1b3?
Andrew D. Clark
- [Mailman-Developers] wouldnitbenice to have URLs in admin mails?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] listname not defined
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] wrong log
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] I'm going to cut MM2.1b4 in a few hours
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-626550 ] Add "Date" field to admindb summary
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
- [Mailman-Developers] some mime filter notes...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 issue with text/html email.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers]
Re: [Mailman-i18n] I'm going to cut MM2.1b4 in a few hours
Tokio Kikuchi
- [Mailman-Developers] RELEASED Mailman 2.1 beta 4
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Upgrade beta 1 to beta 4
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] Upgrade beta 1 to beta 4
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers]
Translations via TP Robot? (Re: [Mailman-Announce] RELEASED Mailman
2.1 beta 4)
Karl Eichwalder
- [Mailman-Developers] checkdbs
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Simone Piunno
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Simone Piunno
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Simone Piunno
- [Mailman-Developers] Bounce notifications
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-571636 ] Traceback in error log - bounce handling
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-629616 ] Invalid admin
- [Mailman-Developers] Startup problems
Nick Arnett
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 issue with text/html email.
Nick Arnett
- [Mailman-Developers] transcheck
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] checkdbs
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-615040 ] problem creating newlist
- [Mailman-Developers] Slightly lame logging: web subscription request
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Slightly lame logging: web subscription
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Slightly lame logging: web subscription
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] qfiles/shunt full of posts
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Contrib: bin/show_qfiles
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Announce] Welcome to Mailman 2.1
Blair Zajac
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Announce] Welcome to Mailman
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] future enhancement thought...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] Way into the future -- XML and Mailman?
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-630339 ] create list with multiple owners
- [Mailman-Developers] Way into the future -- XML and Mailman?
Gary Frederick
- [Mailman-Developers] Help programming MemberAdaptor...
Martin Whinnery
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-630497 ] Traceback in error file
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b4: cron/checkdbs tweak
Harald Koch
- [Mailman-Developers] VERP interval: why not time-based?
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] 2.1b4: cron/checkdbs tweak
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Problem with checkdbs script in Beta 4
Miller Brett
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: New TMDA-style service: spamarrest.com
- [Mailman-Developers] Re: email2.4.3
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Developers] B4 changed the To: line?
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444879 ] Archive indexer control to improve index
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444879 ] Archive indexer control to improve index
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-444884 ] Integration of Mailman & htdig for archi
- [Mailman-Developers] strange things
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Daniel Buchmann
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Can't Approve/Reject/Discard from Admin Web
Rick Ennis
- [Mailman-Developers] More extend.py questions
Martin Whinnery
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] No archive updates b4+
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] Help programming MemberAdaptor...
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Problem with checkdbs script in Beta 4
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] Can't Approve/Reject/Discard from Admin Web
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] More extend.py questions
Greg Ward
- [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-631186 ] Postfix msg.type
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-631200 ] qrunner in loop, keeps eating memory
- [Mailman-Developers] Help programming MemberAdaptor...
Martin Whinnery <martin.whinnery@sbirmc.ac.uk>
- [Mailman-Developers] More extend.py questions
Martin Whinnery <martin.whinnery@sbirmc.ac.uk>
- [Mailman-Developers] Recent cmd_confirm.py error
Jon Parise
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-601117 ] add sequencial number in subject prefix
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Patches-601117 ] add sequencial number in subject prefix
- [Mailman-Developers] updated to CVS and...
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-631447 ] error during subscription process
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-631569 ] conn.quit() -> SMTPServerDisconnected
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-631569 ] conn.quit() -> SMTPServerDisconnected
- [Mailman-Developers] Much cpu/memory load
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Dale Newfield
- [Mailman-Developers] errors in 2.1b4
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Developers] re: Much cpu/memory load
Andrew D. Clark
- [Mailman-Developers] Can't Approve/Reject/Discard from Admin
Rick Ennis
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Developers] CVS glitch.
Dale Newfield
- [Mailman-Developers] re: Much cpu/memory load
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers] re: Much cpu/memory load
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Developers] re: Much cpu/memory load
Danny Terweij
- [Mailman-Developers]
[ mailman-Bugs-631774 ] i18n unicode string interpolation
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 21:46:19 2002
Archived on: Fri Nov 1 22:27:27 2002
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).