[Mailman-Developers] Help programming MemberAdaptor...
Martin Whinnery
Tue Oct 29 13:04:11 2002
Hello guru folks.
Er, I've been trying to make Mailman populate lists from our LDAP
I've never used python before, and so I'm probably doing stuff ass fust.
Here's what I've been doing:
I've copied OldStyleMemberships.py to LDAPMemberships.py
In MailList.pl I've changed the import line to:
from Mailman.LDAPMemberships import OldStyleMemberships
And I'm hacking getRegularMemberKeys to add stuff to self.__mlist before
getRegularMemberKeys returns.
A few questions:
Is this how I ought to be going? If not, how ought I to approach this?
What I'd really like to do is have lists EITHER populate in the normal
file way OR populated from LDAP. I was thinking I might use an address
'ldap@cn=groupname,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com' as the initial and only
subscriber address, and use this to flag LDAP status.
But I'm sure that's really crap.
What ought I to do? Will somebody cleverer than me do the work so I
don't have to?
Martin Whinnery
Assistant Network Manager
South Birmingham College