[Mailman-Developers] feature request: new option forreply_goes_to_list

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 17:32:29 -0400

>>>>> "DM" == Dan Mick <dan.mick@sun.com> writes:

    DM> Wrong.  Every mailreader I've ever used has a two-option (at
    DM> least) choice: reply to sender ("From:") or reply to all
    DM> (From: and Cc:).

I must admit to leading a MUA cloistered life.  I wonder if the
problem is that there are widely used mail readers that /don't/ make a
very clear distinction between reply-to-sender and reply-to-all?  I'm
thinking like MSN or AOL or Outlook or Outlook Express.  Certainly the
minority MUAs I use (VM/XEmacs, Mozilla/Netscape, MacOSX Mail) all
have two very clearly marked buttons for the two functions.  I think
even my mom or dad could handle it.
