[Mailman-Developers] semantic error in mailmanctl ... @Dale

Oliver Egginger Oliver.Egginger at dvz.fh-giessen.de
Thu May 15 15:30:29 EDT 2003

> Could you post the chunk of the execl manpage from Mandrake describing
> execl?

The execl isn't the problem.
It works according to the rules.

> Just out of curiosity, are either qrunner or python in your path?

At the moment I am relatively sure, that the python 2.2.2 binary on my Mandrake 9.1 
system exspects itself on ARGV[0]. 
If ARGV[0] yields a different value than 'python', 'python2.2', '/usr/bin/python' or
'/usr/bin/python2.2' the described import errors occurs.

My python binary expects a executable python binary on ARGV[0] or it don't run
with imports.

I don't know why.

- oliver


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