[Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] mailman user password

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Aug 10 04:19:22 CEST 2009

On Aug 7, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Bernd 'Siggy' Brentrup wrote:

> I applaud you on this, Barry. I seem to remember discussions where to
> place these commands for Debian, ATM they pollute the /usr/sbin
> namespace.  May I suggest to put mailman in /usr/bin while mailmanctl
> stays in /usr/sbin.

I'm not yet sure how the buildout based source build will translate  
into installation recipes, but I generally concur with this.  I'm  
nearly certain that mailmanctl's functionality will not appear in the  
'mailman' command (which I already have working and committed to the  
trunk!).  We'll have to figure that out when the release is closer.


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