[Mailman-i18n] Help with Latest changes
Daniel Buchmann
Tue Oct 29 22:14:25 2002
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Here's another approach, that I think you might want to try, Danny:
Merge your working catalog with the catalog Barry generated. You do this
by using the msgmerge utility:
msgmerge -o <new-po-file> <your-work-file.po> mailman.pot
So if the file you are working on is called mailman-work.po, first do a
cvs update in nl/LC_MESSAGES (this shouldn't overwrite your work, but
you can save your mailman-work.po somewhere else, for safety), then also
in nl/LC_MESSAGES, type:
msgmerge -o mailman.po mailman-work.po ../../mailman.pot
This should overwrite the newly checked out mailman.po with your latest
translation merged with the new mailman.pot and is probably what you
want! :D
On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 22:20, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "DT" =3D=3D Danny Terweij <danny@terweij.nl> writes:
> DT> I see (new checkins) that many lines are changed at the
> DT> mailman.po file (Bouncer Patch). How to merge the new
> DT> mailman.po(latest cvs b4+) with my mailman-work.po(b4) ? I
> DT> did serveral translations and i do not want it to be lost :(
> Did you get CVS conflicts? Hopefully if so you didn't get a lot of
> them, but if you did you'll need to resolve them manually in an
> editor. Here's an entry from the cvs manual that helps explain the
> process of resolving conflicts:
> http://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs_10.html#SEC86
> -Barry
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Daniel Buchmann,
Systemteknisk Avdeling,
Tlf. 73 59 02 14
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