[Mailman-i18n] pt_BR: lots of mistakes, wrong translations, etc.

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva gleydson at cipsga.org.br
Fri Apr 2 15:23:58 EST 2004


That was my first translation, and due the Mailman have a lot of strings, is normal the first release 
have a lot of mistakes :-)

I've done all fixes on stable release and fixing it now on current branch. 

João Carlos Mendes Luís <jonny at jonny.eng.br> escreveu em Fri, 12 Mar 2004 15:36:31 -0300:

> Hi,
>      I'm teying to setup mailman in a pt_BR environment, and found that it has 
> LOTS of wrong translations, mistakes, mistypes, etc.  Where do I send patches 
> with my changes?
> 		Jonny
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Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
gleydson at debian.org
gleydson at cipsga.org.br

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