[Mailman-Users] qmail install docs wrong

Christopher Kolar ckolar at admin.aurora.edu
Mon Aug 2 21:58:54 CEST 1999


I just did my first-ever installation of qmail and noticed a problem
  in the mailman docs.  Installing v1.0 the directions given in
  INSTALL.QMAIL for the changes to the inetd.conf and hosts.allow
  are incorrect.  The settings in this file did not work, and when
  I looked in the doc/FAQ in section 5.4 I noticed that the instructions
  are different.  The settings in the FAQ did manage to get things 
  working the way that the should -- it looks like just a couple of 
  changes in syntax, but it would probably be a good idea to change
  the INSTALL.QMAIL doc.



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