[Mailman-Users] aliases file does not be changed ???
Jerry Adlersfluegel
jerrya at jerrya.fastrans.net
Fri Dec 3 02:12:18 CET 1999
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Kim JungSu wrote:
> Hello, I am a Kim Jung Su.
> I installed mailman-1.1.
> but I can not start it.
> After I perform 'newlist' command,
> aliases file does not changed.
> So, when new list member "REPLY" mail to mailling list
> folling error message appear.
> "<<< 550 <test-request at piano.korea.ac.kr>... User unknown"
> How can I solve it ?
When you run newlist it outputs a block of text to paste into the aliases
file. You must do this manually, and probably as root. Then do newaliases
if necessary and it should work. I am sure this is in the documentation.
Jerry Adlersfluegel
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