[Mailman-Users] aliases file does not be changed ???
Jerry Adlersfluegel
jerrya at jerrya.fastrans.net
Fri Dec 3 02:31:13 CET 1999
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 claw at kanga.nu wrote:
> In fact, there's an Exim stanza wandering about right now done by
> Nick Moffit that avoids the need entirely for an alias file for
> MailMan, but rather has Exim observe the presence of a
> ~mailman/lists/<listname>/config.db file and therefor determine that
> the list exists and all the addresses it needs. Quite a cute job
> really. No alias file to update, but idential operation.
Now, that sounds slick. Any chance you'd have a pointer to it?
Jerry Adlersfluegel
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