[Mailman-Users] UPDATE-2 - problem with cookies? Round 2
Allen Bolderoff
allen at gist.net.au
Fri Dec 24 03:50:47 CET 1999
OK. let me clarify myself.
it appears, that if mailman has not set a cookie, but a sitewide cookie exists
in the browser, mailman will try to use the sitewide cookie, without checking
if it is in fact the correct cookie (which at this point is not created).
so, instead of creating a new cookie, as it should, it is dying in the process
of parsing the wrong cookie.
Hope this helps the developers.
Allen Bolderoff <allen at gist.net.au>
LNC - Redhat and Linux, help and commentary http://linux.netnerve.com
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here: http://www.coffee-tea-pots-cups.com/
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Subject: [Mailman-Users] UPDATE - problem with cookies? Round 2
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> > What would you like us to do? Yes, it looks like a bug. Have you tried
> > either examining the cookie or deleting it?... since the error message
> > pretty
> > clearly points to the file of code, and the code is pretty clearly
> > examining
> > the cookie data itself and finding something wrong....
> >
> > You might add something like
> >
> > if len(cookiedata) < len(key): return 0
> >
> > before
> >
> > if cookiedata[keylen+1] <> '"' and cookiedata[-1]....
> >
> > in SecurityManager.py.
> >
> > I haven't tested the fix, because I don't know if that's what's going
> > wrong.
This does not work, however, what I can tell you is that if there is another cookie set by the webserver, it appears to confuse mailman.
Mailman then tries to use the other cookie.
ie - I use roxen - http://www.roxen.com
roxen sets a unique cookie for every user that comes to the site.
when I turn on the debug messages by removing the commented debug code, and access a bad page, I get the cookie, which is called RoxenUserID showing in the debug file, not the one we would expect.
In fact, this seems to happen when the cookie does not exist (the authentication cookie that mailman makesm that is)
Hope this helps
Allen Bolderoff <allen at gist.net.au>
LNC - Redhat and Linux, help and commentary http://linux.netnerve.com
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here: http://www.coffee-tea-pots-cups.com/
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