[Mailman-Users] Commercial hosting for Mailman lists?

Michael Stevens mstevens at imaginet.co.uk
Tue Oct 5 11:41:24 CEST 1999

On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 07:29:50PM -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> If you are running a very active list, I suggest making friends with your 
> ISP and asking very nicely for permission to relay through their mail 
> host.  If you get the ok, then the loading on your line should be minimal.

Interesting. I thought relaying via your ISP's mail host was
practically compulsory for dialup accounts. I even know of ISPs for
which I think that's the only way to send email. Does anyone know if
this is a realistic view of the world, or am I sadly deluded by
happening to have encountered a few unusual ISPs?

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