[Mailman-Users] Fw: MailMan ~was~ running, now broken, Help !! (second send)

John van V apps_adm at puny.vm.com
Wed Aug 9 18:16:56 CEST 2000

Hello all,

I set up my GNU/MailMan about a month ago and got a few lists running.  Now that I have a few developers on board for my GNU/Portal, including 
rms at gnu.org ( how could you GNU/Tell ?? ;) and I was really eager to set up the lists.

By way of background, I am running thru qmail and I just tested the aliases using "|preline cat > /tmp/foo.txt" which worked ok.
Also I asked my folks to look for security holes, some were a little more agressive/intrusive than others...

I saw stuff called "lockfiles" and was tempted to try to remove them, but I figured I'd better ask first.

I have "subscription pending" in the logs but nothing else.  I get the first confirm message but the reply doesnt work, at first it was bounce but 
now I have the aliases in the correct directories.  At the moment nothing happens when I send in the reply, no bounce.

Since I am starting new pub/domain developers and I would really like to let others rotate the responsibilities, I would like to change ownership 
permissions from root to mailman.  Can I just do a chmod/chown ??

TIA, John

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