customizing admin pages (was: RE: [Mailman-Users] moved server, m ailman is broken)

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at
Thu Aug 17 01:05:43 CEST 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Mick [mailto:Dan.Mick at West.Sun.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 2:23 PM
> To: mailman-users at; GLeblanc at
> Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] moved server, mailman is broken
> > # SMTP host and port, when DELIVERY_MODULE is 'SMTPDirect'
> > SMTPHOST = 'localhost'
> > 
> > Can somebody tell me what they have for this settings? 
> localhost works for me.

Thanks Dan.  I just told it to use sendmail, and things seem to be peachy
now, although I did need to upgrade to beta5 to fix the cookie problem.  
Now, time for another question.  Is there a way to edit the DEFAULT admin
pages that our admins will see?  There are WAY more options than they need
to be concerned with.  Basically they need to be able to edit the
description of the list, perhaps the admin address, and a few other things.
There seem to be ways to edit the user pages, but not the general admin
pages.  I'd appreciate any suggestions, thanks,

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