[Mailman-Users] re: list admin server doesn't always respond?

Tom Moore tom.moore at landslidedesign.com
Tue Aug 29 03:20:37 CEST 2000

I was having the same trouble. I happen to know that at least one of 
Michael's servers is an OS X Server box, as is mine, and I wonder how 
much that has to do with the problem. I couldn't get a list to 
respond from the admin links (or after submitting from the 
"subscribe" page). I deleted the list, downgraded to beta 4, 
reinstalled beta 5, and so forth, and nothing worked. But then the 
problem just mysteriously went away, and new lists are working just 

Thanks for this reply:

>From: Dan Mick <Dan.Mick at West.Sun.COM>
>... Consider enabling lock debugging.

...how is this done, and what does it do?

Many thanks.

Tom Moore

>From: Michael Dunston <mdunston at music.vt.edu>
>To: <mailman-users at python.org>
>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:09:50 -0400
>Subject: [Mailman-Users] list admin server doesn't always respond?
>Anyone else have problems with the admin pages randomly not responding
>for some lists?  For some reason, every so often the admin page link does
>not work for various lists.  The problem floats around from list to list
>and usually goes away after a day or so.  At first I thought the list had
>been corrupted, but this does not appear to be the case.  I can remove
>the list entirely, restart the computer, create a new list with the same
>name an the problem persists.  It never seems to happen to more than one
>list at a time.  (1/15 at the moment)
>Anyone else have similar experiences or ideas?  Thanks..
>. . .  .  .   .   .    .    .     .     .
>Michael Dunston
>Music and Technology
>Virginia Tech School of the Arts

Tom Moore
President, Landslide Design
tom.moore at landslidedesign.com
11 Forest Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
phone: 301.762.0627 fax: 301.762.5156

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