[Mailman-Users] listmembers being "(ignored)", lockfile problems, 2.0b5

Brett Dikeman brett at iclick.com
Thu Aug 31 09:32:18 CEST 2000

Thanks to all who replied.

The problem was in fact the SMTP agent.  We have, on this particular 
host, a "messy" mail server setup; actual inbound SMTP is handled by 
something called Trend Interscan(which actually works really well, 
shameless plug for them*.)  Trend then does Some Magic(mainly, 
decompresses/decodes any attachments, checks for viruses, that sort 
of thing) and hands off messages to sendmail(or, say, postfix; you 
can set the command Trend uses, or give it a hostname/port, etc.)

Trend apparently got very upset when I removed some older definitions 
files(or I accidentally deleted something else it needed) and was 
doing strange things, like opening the connection but not responding, 
or closing it immediately, etc.

I mucked around with it unsuccessfully for a few hours, gave up, and 
just fired up plain old sendmail into daemon mode and left trend off. 
Worked great; we're not protected against a virus getting sent to the 
list at the moment, but at least things will work until I straighten 
out the mess with Trend support in the morning.)

qrunner did its job and shortly thereafter I received email from a 
bunch of users saying they now had a digest in their mailbox.  Still 
not sure that everyone is working yet; have to check up with those 
who reported problems and see if they're 'alive' again.

No more strange log entries, except for some business about 
quattro-admin sending mail to the list, and a lot of messages to 1 
recipient, which seemed like mailman zapping bounce messages to me, 
and naturally reporting it in the SMTP logs.

If problems crop up, you know I'll be back :-)

*this thing saved our butts at work so many times it isn't funny.  I 
strongly recommend antivirus solutions for lists and companies. 
Where I work, it's a literal challenge to find a floppy since they're 
practically never used, which means most infections come in over 
email.  On our list, it's caught at least 20 viruses in a few months.
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605			http://www.iclick.com
PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626  BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
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