[Mailman-Users] clone_member failure
Shaun Erickson
ste at research.bell-labs.com
Mon Sep 18 19:34:01 CEST 2000
As part of a corporate split, I need to change the addresses of a large
number of mailing list users. I planned to do it this way, for each
email address (I've changed the actual username to mine, for this
clone_member equal-agenda ste at lucent.com ste at avaya.com
remove_members equal-agenda ste at lucent.com
However, clone_member is failing:
[root /tmp]# clone_member equal-agenda ste at lucent.com ste at avaya.com
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/opt/mailman/bin/clone_member", line 121, in ?
File "/opt/mailman/bin/clone_member", line 106, in main
options = mlist.user_options[lfromaddr]
KeyError: ste at lucent.com
[root /tmp]#
It does this for everyone I try. Can anyone help? I think I'm running
Mailman 1.1 on Red Hat 6.1 (an installation which I recently inherited).
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