[Mailman-Users] Sendmail setup problem

Geert Altena geert at arago.utwente.nl
Fri Apr 13 20:39:02 CEST 2001

Quoting Dennis, <dennis at pipper.net>:
> Thanks for the tips on what my /etc/aliases should be, that did the 
> trick.  Is there a way that is supposed to work on it's own?  Is it me or 
> is there not much documented help associated with this program?

Having many different mailservers and operating systems makes it rather
cumbersome to make things 'work on its own'. Alias handling can be
different, permission issues, etc.

This last bit is correct, the manual sortof consists of the README files
that come with the source. Refer to http://www.list.org for more info.

Geert Altena | Geert at arago.utwente.nl | Coffee, black, no sugar
      Finger for PGPkey : Diffie-Hellman 2048/0xC540C550 
Prediction is difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr

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