[Mailman-Users] Messages not posting

Angelo Bonadonna bonadonna at sxu.edu
Mon Apr 16 01:50:13 CEST 2001

Sorry for carrying on a conversation with myself--but I wanted to give the details of this situation, in case it might, indirectly, assist someone else.  (I benefited by looking through the archives, so someone else who has the same problem as me might as well.)  It turns out my problem was with cron.  Unbeknownst to me it wasn't functioning--at all, anywhere on the machine (I know it used to, but I had removed all my crontab files).  Anyway, I restarted cron (on my  machine: "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40crond stop" followed by "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40crond start") and now it's working.  So, thanks for listening, while I beat the problem out of the bushes.  Angelo

>Strike that!  It does seem to be a cron problem, though I still don't know how to fix it.  Once I gave the queue command:
>/usr/local/Python-2.0/python -S /usr/local/apache/htdocs/mailman/cron/qrunner
>all the messages got sent.  But why isn't my mailman crontab file working, and why aren't the messages being sent immediately, instead of being queued?
>But I'm greatly relieved to have found the problem, or at least a way to fix it (with a different cron approach (e.g., using /etc/crontab) than the installed file??).  Angelo
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>>From: Angelo Bonadonna <bonadonna at sxu.edu>
>>Subject: [Mailman-Users] Messages not posting
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>>Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 14:59:50 -0600
>>X-RCPT-TO: <bonadonna at sxu.edu>
>>Status: U
>>Hi--I've got what seems to be a common problem:  Everything seems to be working fine, but messages won't get sent--and there are no error messages (in mailman/logs or /var/log/maillog).  I'm pretty sure the aliases, wrapper, etc. are all correct and in working order.
>>There are files in mailman/qfiles. I checked to be sure crontab was installed.  /var/log/maillog says the mail was sent.  (BTW: is there anyway to manually send queued messages?)
>>Here's my configuation
>>Mailman 2.0.3
>>Python 2.0
>>Sendmail: 8.9
>>Redhat Linux 6.0
>>(Note:  I've gotten this same set of versions of software to work on a backup box I experiment with.  I'm pretty convinced I have a sendmail problem, though I don't know what it could be.  Sendmail is indeed functioning for _most_ of its other purposes.  It works fine, e.g., in sending list creation and subscription notices.)  Help!  Angelo
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