[Mailman-Users] Re: Umbrella lists and avoiding multiple copies (was Re: Anyone? ...)

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Thu Apr 19 23:37:08 CEST 2001

Marc MERLIN (marc_news at valinux.com) said something that sounded like:
> > That's a useful tool for recipients who have it available, but we're
> > looking for a tool at the list management end that will handle it. 
> Mailman doesn't do that, sorry.

That's too bad because you could make majordono do it.

I'm finding that Mailman has some hangups that make it undeseriable.


Pug Bainter                                        |        AMD, Inc.
System Engineer, MTS                               |      Mail Stop 625
 Pug.Bainter at amd.com      |  pug at pug.net           |  5900 E. Ben White Blvd
 Phone: (512) 602-0364    |  Fax: (512) 602-6970   |     Austin, TX 78741
Note: The views may not reflect my employers, or even my own for that matter.

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