[Mailman-Users] Schedule message posting...
Chris Halverson
cdh at CompleteIS.com
Tue Aug 7 07:06:46 CEST 2001
On Tue, 07 Aug 2001 01:30:29 -0400, Joao Borsoi Soares <jo_soares at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've asked before how to schedule the posting of messages to my list.
> Some told me to use cron or tab. The question is, what script/program
That would be "crontab".
> should I schedule so I can send the list messages at a desired time.
I have done this exact thing. I wrote a perl program (could be
anything of course) that runs once a night via cron and checks to see
if there is an email in a not public mail spool. Yes, this could be
abused if somebody "outside" figured out the address. Basically, this
program rips out headers such as To, From, Approve, Subject and the
body (thanks to Mail::Header and Mail::Internet, maybe I should redo
this in Python, just to "keep it in the family" :). Then it creates a
new email and sends it out to the mailing list.
> And how to prevent message posting other than the one ajusted by
> cron?
You can't. Basically, anything that goes to the list can go through at
any time. The list I did this for is a "once every 2-3 days" moderated
list. Therefore, nobody else can send to it w/o using the Approve
header, ie. there's no explicitly approved posters. It's a small,
controlled group who can post, so it's not a big deal in this case.
Chris D. Halverson Complete Internet Solutions
(612) 279-2106 http://www.completeis.com/
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