Fw: Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem to create list 2.1a2
Rodolfo Pilas
rodolfo at linux.org.uy
Fri Aug 10 20:05:54 CEST 2001
El Fri, 10 Aug 2001 13:33:08 -0400
Greg Ward <gward at mems-exchange.org> ha escrito:
> You haven't said which version of Python or which version of Mailman
> you're using. I suspect you're using Python 1.6, because time.ctime()
> function changed somewhere between Python 1.5.2 and 2.1 so its arguments
> are optional. (If you were using Python 1.5.2, the "print >>" would
> have causes a syntax error.)
guru /home/rodolfo> python -V
Python 2.0
> I also suspect you may be using a Mailman 2.1 alpha, because there's no
> MTA/Postfix.py in the Mailman 2.0.6 distribution I have here.
Mailman 2.1a2 (because I wish the Spanish translation!)
-=(( Rodolfo Pilas - rodolfo at linux.org.uy ))=-
-==((( Are you ready for XtraLinuX - http://xtralinux.org )))==-
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