[Mailman-Users] MailMan/VirtualHosts/Postfix
Jeff Baldwin
jeff_baldwin at unc.edu
Sat Aug 25 00:53:24 CEST 2001
Wow!! What a great reply. I don't understand how question 3 would be
answered in the admin interface though? When I post to the list...
shouldn't a message automatically be sent to all subscribers? Currently if
subscribers post to the list.. the message never appears.. could you give
me a little more guidance on this question?
But most importantly "Thank You" for the great answer... I think thats got
to be one of the most detailed answers I've ever received off of a list..
it was great..
--On Friday, August 24, 2001 3:48 PM -0700 Ryan Creasey <ryan at p11.com>
> I just recently set mailman up on my company's mailserver running
> postfix and this is how I did it:
> Create an alias file in the mailman install directory as user 'mailman'.
> I named mine 'mm.aliases' for simplicity:
> root at khyron.p11.com:/home/mail/mailman# head mm.aliases
> ## dcms mailing list
> ## created: 10-Aug-2001 root
> dcms: "|/home/mail/mailman/mail/wrapper post dcms"
> dcms-admin: "|/home/mail/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner
> dcms"
> dcms-request: "|/home/mail/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd dcms"
> dcms-owner: dcms-admin
> Okay, then as user 'mailman', run postalias on the mm.aliases file,
> creating a mm.aliases.db file. Exit as user mailman and open your
> postfix main.cf file. Then add a line to your alias_maps variable like
> so:
> root at khyron.p11.com:/etc/postfix# cat main.cf | grep mm.aliases
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/home/mail/mailman/mm.aliases
> Reload postfix. Now, so far you have created a mailing list that
> responds to list at machine.domain.com. In my case, I have setup the list
> 'dcms at khyron.p11.com'. However, I want this list to belong to the vhost
> 'housekurita.net'. So... I keep a virtual file for each domain, all I
> need to do is setup the correct pointers:
> root at khyron.p11.com:/etc/postfix# cat v_housekurita.net | grep dcms
> dcms at housekurita.net dcms at khyron.p11.com
> dcms-admin at housekurita.net dcms-admin at khyron.p11.com
> dcms-request at housekurita.net dcms-request at khyron.p11.com
> dcms-owner at housekurita.net dcms-owner at khyron.p11.com
> Refresh the virtual file by issuing 'postmap <virtual file>' and then
> re-reload postfix: 'postfix reload'.
> Once your list is setup and before you add any users, go to your admin
> interface for the list you've just created and change the 'host_name'
> option for the list over to your virtual host. In my case, host_name
> becomes 'housekurita.net'. This allows mailman to send mail out as
> 'dcms-admin at housekurita.net' and when a user sends to the list, it hits
> your virtual file, forwards it to the local machine mail, etc.
> That should answer question 1, as for 2 and 3... Those can be solved by
> looking over some of the options in the admin interface.
> Hope that helps... :)
> Ryan C. Creasey
> Network Engineer
> p11creative
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailman-users-admin at python.org
> [mailto:mailman-users-admin at python.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Baldwin
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 3:07 PM
> To: mailman-users at python.org
> Subject: [Mailman-Users] MailMan/VirtualHosts/Postfix
> Hello All -
> I've been troubleshooting this for two days straight and cant seem to
> figure it out.. any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I can't
> get
> MailMan to work w/ postfix and virtual domains.. below is a detailed
> description of what I am running into. Hope you can help.
> System Information
> -------------------
> MTA = Postfix
> No sites running on machines FQDN all Virtual Hosts
> MailMan version 2.0.6
> Install Info
> ----------------
> First of all I follow the setup instructions and give one of my virtual
> hosts all the necessary privelages to run mailman.. then I
> [root at mill96 mailman]# bin/newlist
> Enter the name of the list: Tester
> Enter the email of the person running the list: jeff_baldwin at unc.edu
> Initial tester password: Entry for aliases file:
> ## tester mailing list
> ## created: 24-Aug-2001 baldwinj
> tester: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post tester"
> tester-admin: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner tester"
> tester-request: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd tester"
> tester-owner: tester-admin
> Hit enter to continue with tester owner notification...
> **OK, so far soo good.
> I get an e-mail at the address listed above.. stating that the list has
> been created at the FQDN of the machine.. NOT the virtual host that I
> gave
> permissions to this dir. Thats ok, I just make a couple changes in the
> admin interface to ref. the virtual host. Users can now go to the
> "virtual
> host" to the mailman area and subscribe to the list.
> When a user subscribes... he gets the "are you sure" message in their
> inbox.. so far so good.. when they reply to this message to confirm..
> they
> never get a confirmation.. I looked and seen that their request was
> pending
> so I added them manuall... is there no way for mailman to automate the
> addition of users?
> I went ahead and added the users manually.. but now when they post a
> message to the specified e-mail address listname at virtualhost.org no one
> ever sees the message.. it just goes off never to be seen again.
> Here are copies of my Postfix Virtual and Aliases files..
> /etc/postfix/aliases
> <--snip-->
> #MailMan Owners
> mailman: jeff_baldwin at unc.edu
> mailman-owner: mailman
> ## engarde mailing list
> ## created: 24-Aug-2001 baldwinj
> engarde: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post engarde"
> engarde-admin: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner engarde"
> engarde-request: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd engarde"
> engarde-owner: engarde-admin
> <--snip-->
> /etc/postfix/virtual
> mill92.cep.unc.edu VIRTUALDOMAIN
> engarde at mill92.cep.unc.edu list-engarde-mill92.cep.unc.edu
> engarde-admin at mill92.cep.unc.edu list-engarde-mill92.cep.unc.edu
> engarde-request at mill92.cep.unc.edu list-engarde-mill92.cep.unc.edu
> engarde-owner at mill92.cep.unc.edu list-engarde-mill92.cep.unc.edu
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.. I guess my questions are....
> 1. Is there no way to specify a virtual host when creating a list 2.
> Is there a way to automate the adding of users.. instead of it being
> "pending" till I do it manuall?
> 3. Why can't anyone see the e-mail that is being sent to the list addy?
> Thanks
> ==================================================
> Jeff Baldwin
> Computer Consultant II
> University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
> Phone: (919) 966-0096
> Fax: (919) 966-0042
> E-Mail: jeff_baldwin at unc.edu
> ==================================================
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
Jeff Baldwin
Computer Consultant II
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Phone: (919) 966-0096
Fax: (919) 966-0042
E-Mail: jeff_baldwin at unc.edu
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