[Mailman-Users] FW: using swish-e searching with mailman lists
Jerry Adlersfluegel
jerrya at jerrya.net
Fri Feb 16 07:02:40 CET 2001
On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Jack Valko wrote:
> Is this worth reworking for Mailman 2?
> Jack
I think the only change would be a new diff against HyperArch.py.
I have followed your instructions and (think I) have it working on my
site. But I noticed swish-e is s l o w to index my archives. Have you or
anyone been able to get swish++ doing the same thing? I don't see a quick
cgi available for swish++. (Yes, I'm mostly lazy, but also don't have much
time to write something, especially if it already exists.)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Valko [mailto:jack at valko.org]
> Sent: 27 August, 2000 00:56
> To: mailman-users at python.org
> Subject: using swish-e searching with mailman lists
> I've created a HOWTO on including SWISH-E searching into list archives.
> It's available at http://www.valko.org/mailmanswish-e/. The changes are
> rolled into my 1.1 installation, and I'll upgrade it to 2.0 as soon as it
> comes out of beta.
> Drop me a line if you have comments or questions,
> J
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Jerry Adlersfluegel
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