Fil fil at rezo.net
Sat Jun 2 16:37:42 CEST 2001

Hi, two things as I'm trying to set up the current cvs version of Mailman:

1° anything that would be the equivalent for unsubscribe of
ALLOW_OPEN_SUBSCRIBE would be good. I don't think it's such a big problem
tahat people could unsubscribe you from a list w/o your consent, as you
would receive a confirm.

The fact that one must confirm her unsubscription is really pissing off
some users, maybe simply because they don't have access to that older
address they want to unsubscribe ;)

I used to hack Mailman to bypass the password checking, but I think it
should be integrated.

(One can imagine, however, that the confirmation message writes "If you
haven't requested this, please forward this message to the admin, and you
can resubscribe by clicking on such and such".)

2°  I'm getting errors in the current snapshot:

* When I set MTA="Postfix" and create a list via the web interface:
Postfix.py has trouble loading the db library.

* When I click in the admin on "edithtml"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mailman/scripts/driver", line 105, in run_main
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py", line 76, in main
    Auth.authenticate(mlist, cgidata)
AttributeError: 'Mailman.Cgi.Auth' module has no attribute 'authenticate'

* When I click in the admin on "logout"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mailman/scripts/driver", line 105, in run_main
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py", line 110, in main
    Auth.loginpage(mlist, 'admin', frontpage=1)
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/Auth.py", line 58, in loginpage
    }, mlist=mlist)
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Utils.py", line 516, in maketext
    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'No template file found', templatefile)
IOError: [Errno 2] No template file found: 'admlogin.html'

* When I send an email to unsubscribe (same error, the template 'unsub.txt'
is missing)

Hope this helps.

-- Fil

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