[Mailman-Users] Greetings to all, A problem configuring apache...

David Ramirez Joya hawk at osos.fime.uanl.mx
Tue Jun 12 23:58:56 CEST 2001

Again greetings to all, It's the first time I install and configure
mailman, and I am having a little problem with mailman. The
explanation of the problem is:

I wanted to use gnu mailman. So downloaded it, read the INSTALL, I
compiled it. configured the sendmail, checked all the configuration
instructions of apache, but when I try to check my recentrly added list by
using the url:


I receive from the apache server, the listing of the program listinfo, I
checked if the execution of CGI is allowed, so, I used a simple cgi
program to check if the directory is allowed to execute cgi, and the
simple program worked so that's not the problem. But as I said when I try
to execute the url, I see the program as if I check it with the
command cat...

Has this problem been solved before, It is in the mailman-users archives? 

If so, please let me know... Any info will be _really_ appreciated.

Best regards to all,

David Ramirez Joya
	David Ramirez Joya		Depto. de Informatica
	  System Manager		Servicios de Internet
 	  Servidor Osos			FIME -- UANL
     dramirez at gama.fime.uanl.mx		Tel.: 83 29 40 20 Ext. 5721

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