[Mailman-Users] mm_cfg.py Options?

John McGarrigle johnm at ic5.net
Fri May 11 11:47:29 CEST 2001


What options are available in this file?

I wish to change the default hostname for the list, so I added;

DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = 'lists.ic5.net'

That solves *some* of the problems, but it still wants to use my machines
default hostname for some other options.. such as the mailman-owner@ address
on the listinfo page..

I have searched for documentation on this, but found very little...

I would appreciate any help you could give me :)

John 'Neuron' McGarrigle
Email: johnm at ic5.net
ICQ: 18220396
Phone: +44 (0)7944 604 644

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