[Mailman-Users] Adding a search feature to archives

Frank Cohen (p2t earthlink) fcohen at pushtotest.com
Thu Nov 8 18:56:17 CET 2001

I found Mailman on Freshmeat and it looks great. I am renovating the PushToTest.com site (home of the Load open-source project) and nead a mail list manager. I'd like to have a couple of features that I didn't specifically see in the Mailman documentation:

1) Search. While the archive feature looks great, I would also like to add a search function. I'm thinking of a Search form wheree users type in keywords and a search engine scans an index built on the archive. What are folks using to do this with Mailman?

2) Subscription from a db application. Is there an API to mailman where I could programatically add a user to a list? My Web site has a registration page that asks 10 questions of new users. I'd like to offer to automatically subscribe a new user to a list. What are folks doing to make this happen? By the way, the Web site uses Zope.

Thanks, in advance for your answer.


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