[Mailman-Users] Catholic Information Network (CIN) Moderators List flooded with blank emails
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)
rgant at flash.net
Tue Oct 2 15:51:02 CEST 2001
Dear Mailman list:
Since the Catholic Information Network (CIN) changed to the Mailman program
yesterday, our moderators' list (which has 40 to 50 moderators) is flooded with
blank emails. Each moderator's list gets them with the name of his or her own
list. E.G. mine come to cinjub-admin at cin.org The forwarded letter below
blanks come to cinmain-admin at cin.org because he is the moderator of the CINMAIN
list. Can anyone offer suggestions?
Father Richard Gant, CIN Jubilee 2000 moderator
Otto ( seewig at att.net) wrote:
> Hi:
> I have been patient all day, but my mailbox is still overflowing at a
> rate of 200-300 empty messages an hour coming from <cinmain-admin at cin.org>,
> that's already over 2000
> messages today.
> Does anyone have a solution short of canceling my account with my ISP ?
> I want to believe they are working on it, but,....... I know, Lynn, I am
> whining. Any other solution meanwhile?
> Otto seewig at att.net
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Otto wrote:
> >Hi, Nonnie:
> >Now I understand what you meant when you were saying "tons of them". I
> >received 850 of them over night. All blank, fortunately, or my mailbox
> >would have gone bust.
> >
> >Any idea how to stop them? Because they are still coming at a rate of
> >3-4 a minute.
> >
> >Heeeeelp!!!!!!
> >
> >Otto seewig at att.net
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Wenonah Kateri wenonahkateri at yahoo.com wrote:
> >
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: <cinporch-admin at cin.org>
> >>>Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 10:39 PM
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Is everyone getting these blank e-mails? I get tons of them. They seem to
> >>be connected to posts, but not always.
> >>
> >>Nonnie wenonahkateri at yahoo.com
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Cinmod mailing list
> >>Cinmod at cin.org
> >>http://www.cin.org/mailman/listinfo/cinmod
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From: Otto <seewig at att.net>
Subject: Re: [Cinmod] Fw:
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 17:21:07 -0700
Size: 3562
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