[Mailman-Users] Catholic Information Network (CIN) Moderators List flooded with blank emails

Jon Carnes jonc at haht.com
Tue Oct 2 16:13:24 CEST 2001

I agree with Greg: "Yikes!"
This is not a characteristic of Mailman, but sounds more like an MTA
problem.  You may have a mail loop setup somewhere in your alias or redirect

If you could forward some of the headers to us, we could trace the mail for
you and give better input as to where the problem may lay.
Of course the best place to look is in your log files...

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Ward" <gward at mems-exchange.org>
To: "Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)" <rgant at flash.net>
Cc: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Catholic Information Network (CIN) Moderators
List flooded with blank emails

> On 02 October 2001, Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)
> > Since the Catholic Information Network (CIN) changed to the Mailman
> > program yesterday, our moderators' list (which has 40 to 50
> > moderators) is flooded with blank emails.
> Yikes!
> The first thing I would do is start tailing log files to try and
> identify a culprit.  Mailman's logs are in ~mailman/logs; I would
>   tail -f post smtp smtp-failure qrunner
> for a start.  (Umm, this assumes GNU tail -- older, more primitive
> Unices are not as capable.  I'm assuming you know something about
> administering a Unix system, otherwise you probably shouldn't be using
> Mailman.)
> Of course, your MTA is also a factor.  Which MTA are you using, anyways?
> Whatever, I'm presuming you know where its logs are -- go tail them,
> too.
> Or hell, just *look* at the logs from overnight, when your poor
> moderators were getting 100s of messages.  Old info is better than no
> info.
>         Greg
> --
> Greg Ward - software developer                gward at mems-exchange.org
> MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org
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